These technologies will be able to earn billions of dollars by 2016?

6:29 AM
Four major research firms, including Gartner, Forrester, IDC and Juniper have made predictions for 2016 5 technology is growing up can earn thousands of dollars, it said.

1. Technology of Virtual Reality (VR)

VR technology, the technology will be able to display images as real formally engaged in 2016, after the Glasses for the use of technology from companies such as Oculus, Sony and HTC.

Entertainment enterprises including the gaming sector will be the first use of this technology, then it will penetrate other sectors such as the health sector. Digi-Capital, said before the 2020 VR technology market will reach 150 billion US dollars.

2. Robot products


When Softbank available intelligent robotic Pepper last year before they can sell 1,000 units in the last under 60 seconds. In 2016, this new robotic products will be more and more, according to Juniper.

3. Air stored in data services (cloud storage)


In 2018, spending at least mid-spyware be spent on services to save data. According to IDC's predictions.

4. Wireless broadband technology


Expected new wireless broadband technology that speed will show up during 2016.

5. Smart watches


Gartner predicted that in 2018, employs some 2 million people who are law enforcement and doctors will be required to use Intelligent clock to monitor and control health.

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