7 simple habits can make you fail passeth

1:20 AM Add Comment
Not a simple good habits when it happens every day, and that over time they will destroy Success of the fans. But what is a problem is that readers might think it's just little things do not have anything worrying .

Although you can fall into clusters of individual failures, if you have the habit of the 7 following:

1) sleep waiting for success to arrive

In fact, you know already that you will not be able to succeed on the new work. But you do seem to be uncertain and very committed certain that it will succeed, 'or Just think up in failure.

Finally, just as its only wait, you do not start doing anything. Of course, it requires you to do more, or failure beyond what you think.

2) a lot of work ahead in meeting

Key, very easy to become one of the smartest people in the meeting room is that you need to do as a human who care to listen to what has been raised at the meeting. You will benefit a lot to gain knowledge on the topics discussed and those people when you zoom out the activities of your job or be a single subject. This will make you able to grab what raised more complicated.

3) check the phone when talking to anyone

Czech phone when talking with someone is an inappropriate gesture that makes your relationship You do not have forces and gestures do not respect each other. This could indicate that you are more important to your partner discuss this, and it's worse than that if the Czech just a game or entertainment vain.

4) care too much on people who do not make changes

Your family, your boss, your friends or other individuals among some of these individuals who make your life change most? The answer depends on your own personal experience, which gain value more or less from these individuals. When you notice that someone makes your life changed a lot, and that you should take time a person has to be a good choice.

5) make information come to destroy their own lives

Every day, you might get a lot of information in the media, such as television, radio, mobile social network sharing via Facebook neighbor. However, not all information you get knowledge. Some make you incite fear or horror entertainment provided by these vain what you are thinking. Getting the information you need to know jb any information that is important for you, especially with regard to career and provide knowledge to work only once.

6) allows the past to continue to trample the future

This is also undeniable that the error is very valuable for you, so you have to learn from it. Then you have to block error from happening again. But if you still make the mistakes of the past that continue to occur in the future, or prophesied on what passed, and that the risk of failure. You can stop this activity and turn it into a great opportunity to learn from what you do not especially from yourself.

7) likes to gossip others

People who gossip to others or like to say bad things anyone's also the type who did not get success. If you are the type of people you are someone who likes to let others fail. This is no substantive action, that is to say, it was just causing inaction in touch with the only person around. You should spend as much dialogue and valuable to others and you will get from them, .

True Money invested $ 15 million in Cambodia

1:17 AM 2 Comments
PHNOM PENH, while money transfer business in the country is increasing TrueMoney Cambodia Company Limited yesterday announced a $ 15 million investment in the market This popular.

He sat down with the company's commercial director True Money under the Ascend Group, a subsidiary of Thailand's CP Group, told the Post Cambodia's many market opportunities prompted True Money into Cambodia.

He said: 'We see the opportunity we see people at risk [informal] True Money [investment on the service].

He added that the population of about 90 per cent of the total population have no bank account, which is also the reason urged True Money capture the market. He said: '[services] support their lives to make their lives better there security easy and low-risk.

According to a report by the World Bank as of 2013, the population aged over 15 years who have an account in legitimate financial institutions Only 3.7 percent of the total population.

Investment for the first phase TrueMoney will focus on money transfers, while the next phase, the company will serve money transfer service between Cambodia and Thailand, and remittance network expansion across the region in 2016. Currently, the company has a presence in Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam already.

He said: 'This $ 15 million is the starting point. We plan to expand the network international money transfer service in the near future, and in 2016 we will complete [expanding ] in the ASEAN countries.

Although he did not reveal the value money transfers, but claimed that TrueMoney transfer fee that can accept For customers in accordance with the current market.

He said: 'We do not want to focus on the war in the market. We will focus on the quality of products and services and our agents. He added that: '[The company] will create the largest agency network is the first choice of the solution cost and create a partnership .

The market's True Money has become this kind of service agents after 5 Wing AMK Mann and Asian money . In addition to money transfer services, the company also serves as well as other services such as mobile recharge and lottery sales pay fees water, electricity, cable television, Internet and other expenses through the company's accounts.

Treasury executive director of mobile banking and manage a network of microfinance AMK money transfer operators AMK-2 500 agents across the country, said that the additional new services will be a good thing for consumers and will help promote the exchange services in the field of quality .

He said: 'for consumers is a good factor for him. He will have more choices, and [service] which is better.

In addition to collaboration with Phillip Bank to provide money transfer service True Money also is working with three mobile phone service provider including Metfone, Smart, qb, and signed an agreement with two more companies are CoolTel SeaTel and to provide other services.

Currently TrueMoney 5 billion where agents across the country to provide services, and the company plans to open operations in January 1, 2016.

Mrs. Thorn Sovannary company's transfer agent, said her customers have dropped from about 450 per day only about 130 people from a new service provider. She said: '[Customers] fell by Mann and Wing put more agents.

She said that if TrueMoney open in the early stages may not make impact on her business, but it will affect If the new company to expand its market influence.

Bangkok Post reported that TrueMoney plans to expand its presence across the region through the acquisition of companies and joint ventures .LA

Myanmar, Thailand to revise its food workers

1:16 AM Add Comment
Protesters gathered outside the Thai embassy in Yangon to protest against the death penalty, two workers. Afp
Yangon Vision Myanmar army has called on Thailand to review the food life sentence compatriots Two of killing two British tourists after a controversial trial that has sparked several protests.

State newspaper New Light World Myanmar reported Sunday that Lt. Gen. Min Aung Hlaing's powerful military has asked Thailand reviewed the evidence against the two men.

Last Saturday, Myanmar envoy Thailand also called for Thai Prime Minister revisited the murder case.

The Bangkok Post reported that Darwin nets ambassador issued a statement by converting light that he did not accept the verdict of the court in which the Myanmar citizens are two food life sentence for the murder of British tourist from a year earlier but Instead, respect it.

He said: 'Although we do not have any intention to interfere in the Thai justice system, we want to ask the Prime Minister to review and consider the case again.

Content image - Phnom Penh Post
The protesters announced at the panel outside the Thai embassy in Yangon. Afp

Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Tun on Thursday was found guilty of killing 24-year-old David Miller and her 23-year-old Hannah Witheridge bodies were severely beaten and was found on a beach in the Thai resort diving the Islands in September last year.

This sad murder damage the reputation phones Thailand as a tourist haven and a lot of questions about its judicial system after the Ministry National police charged a group of scattered regrouping of investigation and blame others accused of Authorities declined.

The verdict caused outrage in Myanmar by daily protests outside the Thai embassy in Yangon and at the border with neighbors Carmel.

New Light newspaper world, Myanmar has said Gen Liang expressed his concern about the verdict, in a new year message to the parent group the senior leadership of the military regime, including Thai Deputy Prime Minister General Prawit Sovann.

The newspaper reported that: 'commander-general expressed his respect for the Thai judicial process, while stressing the need to avoid A situation in which innocent people were wrongly punished.

Why young people should learn to write code to create a mobile app?

1:15 AM Add Comment
A young man is researching how to write code. Hong March
Internet networks and Internet are helping to change many things, including the use or development of technology as well. In the country from year to year and more and more students start to become a network using Internet first .

While the youth, which is the biggest market share become the leading group to start using the new technology and Modern youth groups also have the potential to create technology as well.

The question is why students should learn to write code?

Nearly half of the population (more than 3 billion people among the population of more than 7 billion people), the world's Internet users and mobile phone users. In Southeast Asia, linking the mobile telephone network to 124 per cent of the population over 600 million. According to the 2015 statistics from the agency We Are Social Singapore.

The number of Internet users and mobile phones will continue to grow not delay while the smart phone and the Internet on the mobile phone system more down, allowing the general population may be able to participate and take advantage and start to become a network using Internet First. This means that the application process on a cell phone will play an important role for all users since social media application that helps you maintain your health to help you learn new skills and easy manner all over the place.

What is remarkable for a country and a number of developing countries is a leap from the phone on the table (using ) to mobile phones (mobile phones). This trend continues with several percent of users will start using modern cell phones rather than computers.

These modern mobile phones more energy from one year to use it not only for individuals but has also been put to use for business too.

The current domestic market demand and ASEAN economic community and the future of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will be open starting at the end of 2015. Cambodian youth will make up the bulk of the current job market in the region, not only in the country. The role of youth skills and abilities in the creation and development of this technology is an important factor for professional work, as well as business.

In Cambodia, for you have the coding skills to develop applications for their mobile phones work in international companies and local products That is for the market and overseas users in developing countries. For example, Golden Gekko has started in the country since 2005 and currently is a company of international DMI (Drive Mobile Innovation), which employs the international working class.

Another company is Pathmazing which is located in the city served by the local code and the need to supply the international market, such as In the United States and Malaysia.

You also choose an independent professional (Freelancer). Most work can be done from home or a coffee shop, with most communications network Internet. What is possible today is coding sitting in the cafe is its work with commitment for Startup his team, which is based in Europe or the United States.

Because of the work that used coding skills demand and supply the international market offers lucrative career should be satisfactory . Distance and where your skills are no longer a problem in the lucrative job.

You can also start a business Startup service for domestic and international markets. Since the creation of learning entertainment or obtain necessary information.

Coding skills with 21st century skills

According to UNESCO statistics from the next 1 billion people who will connect to the network Internet through mobile devices (phones and tablets) is young people from developing countries. While the mobile app as a solution to the issue that young people understand the problem than they can a better solution.

In December, a global campaign called Hour of Code with more than 180 participating countries are made to increase the interest of all citizens ages ranging from 4 years old up to 14 years.

It should be noted universities and most schools in the country celebrated. It was an opportunity to introduce to people of all ages interested to learn coding skills to create the program.

Another important example is the project's YouthMobile UNESCO in collaboration with partners in Cambodia is InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia by linking learning to write code to address the challenges in society. It is a training program for 3 months for young people to code the mobile application as part of sustainable development such as increasing the number of human resources and the labor market to young people as well.

In addition to coding the program will not stop just for mobile phones. Next-generation technologies such as: Wearable Devices (self-powered devices such as Apple and Google Glass Watch) and the Internet of Things (IoT), with smart devices intelligent homes until utilities to help promote attention on the health of individuals.

Growth factor user network Internet smart phone users, especially in ASEAN countries as the main reason right over Khmer citizens, especially students children and students should turn to capture interest and strengthen the skills that not only develops the benefit of individuals, but also But the rise of the experts, this can also be a major driving force for Cambodia, which has the potential to compete with countries regional development and economic and social as well.

By: Suy Channe

Regional manager InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia, which specializes in the development of technology with creativity to improve the health and social development.

Suy Channe holds a Master of Computer Applications at the University of Bangalore, India, in 2006. She is also the Speaker of the TEDx Phnom Penh. Electronic message: channe@instedd.org. On Twitter:s_channe.

Maintenance free new Galaxy phone is not a difficult thing anymore

1:14 AM Add Comment
At present, the phone can be used more and more, so you need to take care of it the best. It not only means a longer battery protection but also means that you need to prepare seriously and RAM, as well as documents are saved everything well and safe.

Earlier this year, Samsung introduced The Smart Manager, which enables users to scan (scan), and optimize their smartphone during single. It has been launched since inaugurated phone Samsung Galaxy Galaxy S6 and S6 edge back, and it was made even more improved steadily. Phone Samsung Galaxy S6 edge + and Note5 already have a program to help preserve battery life as well as the app optimization and safety programs.

Smart Manager program focuses on: RAM and file storage battery system safety.

Some smartphone users did not know that they can delete programs that are not using or not using the cell phone. When some of those programs and processes used for many battery. Smart Manager can be used to prevent wasting energy battery through the "App Optimization".

You can choose "Always Optimizing", "Automatically Optimizing" or "Disable For". "Always Optimizing" refrain from using battery power. If you choose "Automatically Optimizing" the program will stop using the battery for 3 days after use. When you choose "Disable For" reminder, you will no longer receive messages from the program anymore.

The screen also shows the percentage of battery power as well as the length of time it can be used further. By choosing Battery Usage, you can see if there is a program that runs after you insert the battery. Power Saving Mode and Ultra Power Saving Mode also demonstrates how long battery life can be used for those who want to save battery. To view the battery consumption of each application, select Details.

To increase storage space for your files Smart Manager software will automatically scan and delete unnecessary data. You can open the Smart Manager and choose Storage to see if your storage space is. Details button at the top of the screen shows more information about the total size that can use the system memory used confidential data and documents of your phone.
You can also delete the data on the phone itself. Users can also upload files by choosing "User Data" in the list of storage (Storage Manu). It can show the size of each file is used. If you choose the Application you can see that the software is used often and cancel any programs that you rarely use.

RAM is where to store temporary files when the passenger's phone. Clean up your RAM will help you to have more storage and faster processor.

On the phone's screen also shows the percentage of use of RAM running apps and the amount of RAM in use. You can also see if there are programs that are run on the RAM, which helps you to choose whether the program should be closed. Not only you can also select "End All" to close all applications.

Protect your own

Sometimes you use the phone and install the application or unconsciously, and it can lead to loss of personal information or damage the phone . In severe cases, it can cause a slow process or battery.

Smart Manager program automatically scans to check virus software program too acidic rocks, making the unusual error and resolve all issues occur. Users can also ensure a safe, delete or disable the program you do not want. Phones Samsung Smart Manager provides anti-virus solutions by collaborating with Intel Security.

With Smart Manager software users smartphone Samsung Galaxy phone can be confident that they are safe and have worked well.

For more details, please go to: http://news.samsung.com/global/smart-manager-the-way-to-keep-your-galaxy-smartphone-as-good-as- new-always

About Samsung Electronics co., Ltd
Is the world's leading technology provides new possibilities for people everywhere. Through constant innovation and discovery, we are moving to improve its flagship television worlds personal computers, laptops, cameras, home appliances, printers LTE devices other medical devices that use electrical systems and other solutions using LED systems.

We are part e Internet (Internet of Things), which has a lot of smart devices and cooperated very well and is active in Other industry. We employ some 319,000 people across 84 countries, with annual sales of 196 billion US dollars.

To find out more information and get the latest news articles and other documents, please visit news.samsung.com.

An alien living on the stars in the universe

8:16 AM Add Comment
Scientists claim that there may be an alien living on a planet far from Earth and Mars Those other panels use the sun to light energy. According to his explanation, scientists and published by dailyrecord.

An explanation, so there's satellite after scientists spotted strange lights reflected light from a star KIC 846 2852.

They conclude that there is another planet travels through the star KIC 846 2852, and lights, a miracle caused by diffused light or battery could be a huge construction of another planet.

Professor Brian Cox explains why the cause affect lights is very light panels alien solar, which they use to collect solar radiation.

Brian Cox, adding that scientists called the Dyson sphere is a modern human societies around the star relied on solar panels, and they can build a civilization between the planets in the universe.

iPhone 7 size?

8:14 AM Add Comment
Apple has confirmed that it will not make its customers concern given the option of 3 other iPhone is 7, 7 Plus and iPhone 7 iPhone mini smaller.

Many customers complained to the glass-generation iPhone in 2014, 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches of it because it is difficult Using one hand, and hard to put in a pocket.

Target analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claims that Apple will release iPhone Syria has a screen size of 4 inches in 2016. Kuo said that because Iraq iPhone screen 4 inches, so Apple will adjust its product.

2013 Appl e iPhone 5s in the amount, but when most new products next year The company will discount the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S, so the company will sell the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S on the market along with an iPhone 7 next year. Kuo added that the company can produce between 20 million to 30 million units until the end of 2016.

China decided to open to foreign occupation fully e-commerce business

8:11 AM Add Comment
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China announced that the country now, China will allow foreign nationals have the right to be fully occupied for business Traded on the Internet (E-commerce). According to Reuters, which was published on June 19, yesterday.
This new modification has been considered as an incentive for foreign investment in China the more they believe that doing so could make economic growth grew stronger and the game competitiveness of the domestic market also increased.

The Today E-commerce business in China has become an important market for e-commerce as a major company in the world more run their business in China, there are many, such as Alibaba, JD.com, Amazon and WalMart.

Click to read: leaked his close friend Paul stole several cars Paul died just a day

Oil prices dropped to unprecedented low levels over the past 7 years

8:10 AM Add Comment
The price of oil on the international market have dropped to the lowest period last 7 years a drop of only 37 US dollars per 1 barrel equals 120 liters. According to the CNN, published on December 8, 2015, yesterday.

The drop in demand for oil lost 2/3 after oil prices jumped to the top in June by 2014, the price per barrel to US $ 108. 2 reason that makes weaker oil prices was due to Saudi Arabia and its partners around the Gulf that can produce oil price and on the other hand cheap as Nigeria, Venezuela and other countries want oil prices to boost its economy.

The 1st and the price of oil dropped to the lowest level.

6 habits that you should be dropped if you want to become a real leader

10:28 AM Add Comment
1) do not listen to other people's advice

In the first phase in creating the company's most often people always forget an ingredient, such as staff, customers, vendors and partners What they are saying about your company. So, as a good leader must be able to spend time focusing attention back upright and listen to their comments to tips to help make the company grow.

2) management dropped all the small company

The management of all the small things is not a good way to manage a team, and it did not provide Good for spending your time with it. The best way you should focus on one thing that you can do that can help make development small businesses and jobs should all drop to the staff you hire.

3) Try to make an outstanding short and easy to understand explanation

As one of the leaders to explain to other people to make a sharp, short, easy to understand and play targeted both in good and bad situations.

4) lack of transparency

Being a leader is a person who has the ultimate decision making transparency between shareholders share with your team.

5) let a little fear is a big problem

No one likes conflict, which means that the problems that arise out of the little things that you see that seems to be no value in the deal could be bigger until it becomes a difficult thing to deal .

6) does not accept criticism

When you think your idea is great, you will be disappointed when criticizing colleagues or friends ask you change it. As a good leader should not upset anyone criticize you, but what you have to do is review what is proposed and criticism to make your ideas better.

Economist: If you can not become rich by 45-year-old will quit

9:29 AM Add Comment
According to a study by researchers working for the US central bank, based in Minneapolis and New York, said the growth of a large number of earnings (The bulk of earnings growth ) occurred in the 10 years of the first serve, that is, between the ages of 25 to 35 years.

The same study also said that in the 10 years after men seem to struggle more intense as before. The findings of these economists have been made based on the data from the Social Security Administration (Social Security Administration), which started since 1978.

More than 90% of group revenue (Lifetime earners) is mostly earned less after the age of 45 years. This can be caused by factors they reduce hours worked (they want to rest more than before).

Although this study in the context of the United States, but it can be traced to the context in other countries as well.

Ago experts had suggested that between 25 to 45 years old and full of potential, no matter the strength, wisdom and strength. So they were able to conclude that the space age-old success.

21 success habits for top executives, managing director or manager

9:14 AM Add Comment
Leadership Trainer of constructive leadership vbuild leaders Savuth revealed from routine success TheBNEWS know to become a top executive director successful manager or managers should have the following habits.

1) maintaining the vision, mission, objectives and the company's core values

2) believe in themselves and their team

3) better coordination and Justice to resolve issues

4) take and make the right upright model

5) new ideas and initiatives to follow until the end

6) develop and follow a plan weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual

7) does not face on the work of others or even themselves

8) wrote thinking and thorough consideration before making

9) establish and maintain good relations with others - staff, customers, suppliers and community media

10) responsible for the role thoroughly and with high attention

11) Download the approval of superiors and employees involved before implementing any new project

12) embezzlement or not to take this opportunity to benefit personal or face

13) Always humble and friendly with others body

14) hear and speak as leader

15) to learn as a leader

16) on their emotional side

17) think positively and consider a settlement on other issues on a regular basis

18) to play sports and eat good healthy

19) continued its development through: reading newspapers radio magazine

20) attended the training to learn from others what it has not excelled as one of the top executives

21) continue to think good and do good to themselves and to others.

If you want to learn at the China University of China's best 5

9:10 AM Add Comment
According to the evaluation report on the best universities in the world (Best Global Universities) showed that among the top 10 universities, 8 while England's only two universities.

However, according to the report, turning to look at the context in China showed its best universities 5 Here the best quality education. The assessment points ranging from 0 to 100 points.

1) University of Peking (Peking University)

In Beijing, Peking University was ranked as China's best universities, which received a score of 65.7. The results make the University ranked number 39 best universities in the world.

2), Tsinghua University (Tsinghua University)

Located in Beijing, Tsinghua University, ranked as the No. 2 best universities in China. With a score of quality university education, 60.3% ranked the 67th best university in the world.

3) University of Fudan (Fudan University)

Fudan University, located in Shanghai and ranked 3rd best university in the country. The quality of university education, 55.8 points ranks the best 108 universities in the world.

4) University of Zhejiang (Zhejiang University)

Look at Zhejiang University, which is located in the inner city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province, has been ranked 4th best university in . Get the quality of university education, 52.9 points ranks as the second best 128 universities in the world.

| Located in the province of Anhui University of Science and Technology, China has ranked the top 5 best universities on the Chinese territory. The University is ranked as the second best 143 universities in the world with access to quality education, 51.5 points.

Lumia new generation security technology eyeball scanners sell for around $ 700

10:48 AM Add Comment
Microsoft products Se thread Lumia phone yesterday with a new generation of security technology by scanning eyeball. Lumia 950 Microsoft's next-generation mobile phones were sold at a price of $ 559 and Lumia 950 XL 699 dollars.

Seng Sihamoni Plains Microsoft sales manager in Cambodia, said two phone models by new-generation Windows operating system 10. Lumia series of new safety technology used eyeball different from other operating systems.

Another special point is used instead of computers associated with the script for facilitating accomplish more work Easy.

He said that both phones models can work well with the employment office in conjunction with Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2016, with Display Dock for the presentation with cell phones.

Phone models Lumia 950 is also equipped with Qualcomm MSM8992 Snapdragon 808 panels speed 1,82GHz, RAM 3GB size, 5.2-inch screen and memory 32GB and slots for additional memory. This camera phone has a size of up to 20MP can take pretty good pictures and a 5MP camera Selfie well.

The phone Lumia 950 XL model is equipped with a Qualcomm MSM8994 Snapdragon 810 panels have 32GB of memory like RAM speed and Lumia 950 screen 5.7-inch giant camera can capture images up to 20MP good and selfie camera and 5MP 4G LTE.

Click to read: Microsoft and ACLEDA trading reached an agreement worth several million dollars


Find out the meaning of the sign in the back of the phone shell

10:47 AM Add Comment
Phone users probably do not know what strange signs such as trash or signs rear tires their phones have the kind of meaning. Some may not be interested in their phone signals do not know.

The following explains the meaning of each sign with a number on the phone:

- The exclamation mark with a circle around it: telephone service in different countries use different frequency signal and this means that the phone can process the signal, which is not legal for the country in the EU Some European.

- CE: CE acronym stands for Conformité Européenne, and they use it to prove that the product level safety standards of electrical and electronic magnetic field of the European Union. The product must have a label that can only be sold in the European Union.

-FCC: If the phone has a signal, this means that it received confirmation from the Federal Communications Commission administrative agencies already on the ground. The agent you control all communication systems (TV, radio, cable, etc.) throughout the United States.

Ul: UL stands for Underwriters Laboratories unit to test the level of security of electronic products. This product means that unit UL recognition.

- A circle with signs: being called Ctick signal, which is used by Authorities Australian Communications Media Authority (ACMA) to confirm that the product will be standard magnetic and electronic parts can be sold in Australia .

- Trash cross: a signal used by Waste Eletrical and Electronic Equipment electronic waste handling units of the European Union representing that this product should not be thrown in the trash, but should be taken to re-processing.

- NYCE: this usually come with NOM, which means that the product is specified Normalización y Certificación Electrónica you to control the level of security of electronic products in Mexico.

This signal is used in Japan to prove that the product will be standard electronic magnetism.

- Four figures: In general, the number near the CE mark, which represents the shell, which has been tested and has already confirmed by experts and CE standards. 0682 was marked on Cetecom ICT Services assessment CE phone shells.

The telephone number above to see some signs on the battery life of the phone, it has the same meaning corresponding to the signal on the phone shell.


Click to read: Shortcut five to watch the video on Youtube and faster

Updated: Hay Sok Heng
Source: CNET

LG sold V10 twin front than $ 700

10:44 AM Add Comment
Lasted more than a month after LG V10 appeared abroad this time, the new smartphone a distinctive and attractive look comes Cambodian market.

A sales agent in the shop, said that LG's new smartphone series sold just since the shop sold the first day, he said. LG V10 stores sold 2 colors are black and gold edge edge silver and gold edge.

LG V10 level resolution up to 1440 x 2560 pixels that can display images and video look sharper. V10 equipped with up to 16MP rear camera with technology to capture the faces and smiles while twin 5MP front camera can photograph Selfie clearly. 1st to the front camera of the LG V10 used for a photographer rods (Portrait) Angle 80 degrees and another for larger photos Angle 120 degrees.

LG V10 ($ 720)

Below some of the technical features of the LG V10:

- Display: 5.7-inch display and a resolution of 1440 x 2560 pixels
- Length x width x thickness: 159.6 x 79.3 x 8.6 mm.
- Glass: Corning Gorilla Glass 4
- Camera: 16MP rear camera and 5MP front twin
- Memory and RAM: 64GB (microSD card can 200GB) and 4GB of RAM
- Operating system: Android Lollipop (Version 5.1.1)
- Battery life: Energy Li-Ion 3000 mAh (battery).

China Mobile will use its 4G to more than 500 million people by 2016?

7:12 PM Add Comment

China Mobile is the largest mobile service provider in China, and the company was aware that the supply of telephone services has the largest customer in the world to more than 800 million people.

The company said that currently there are about 200 million customers are using their 4G services and they expect customer may have added about $ 300 million in 2016.

Currently, China Mobile 4G network stations distributed about 1 million scattered around China, and they have plans to expand by 30% in addition to the current demand for 2016.

According to sources from the Ministry of Industry and Technology of China, said that in the current 4G users 270 million people, while you use the Internet telephone service, about 900 million people.

- Click to read: how to make free iPhone RAM to walk faster

Source: techinasia

Jesus really tanned wavy hair, scientists discovered recently?

7:09 PM Add Comment
Jesus may have white hair brown sleek always seen in the various works of art. But a group of scientists claim that Jesus was tanned and hair.

Dr Neave from the University of Manchester UK, used a technique called a biopsy anthropology laboratory to work on image Jesus from the Bible in order to create a profile before. Dr Neave and his team took three Semite skull to reflect X-rayed three skull was discovered by Israeli archaeologists.

They used CT Scan technology to collect detailed data from the skull. After collecting a large amount of data they consolidate data using 3D Printing technology to print the image of Jesus According to the data they collected.

- Click to read: LiDAR technology archaeologists exploring mysterious Angkor Wat process?

Italian Ducati motorcycles Mack 1 nearly equals a modern car

7:08 PM Add Comment
At the inauguration the first Showroom in Phnom Penh's renowned Italian motorcycle company Ducati motorcycle buried modern and civilized series accessories for motorcycle enthusiasts with a big price almost equal to an SUV.

Chief Executive Officer Datuk Wira NAZA World Group of Companies which import motorcycle brand Ducati market confirmed that due to the momentum of the popular domestic motorcycle (Cambodia) has increased from year to year to make, he did not hesitate to import large motorcycle Ducati brand expensive for the local market Khmer although it is a bit expensive.

He claimed that the official inauguration Showroom (located opposite the School of Technology), will make the use of the largest motorcycle Ducati brand a broader audience, and Italy's famous motorcycle brand will get quick service.

Ducati Super Series 3 models motor below are popular and expensive on display in the Showroom recently inaugurated their new Ducati:

1. Ducati Diavel Carbon


@: Testastretta 11 ° L-Twin, 4 Desmodromically actuated valves per cylinder, liquid cooled
@ Size: 1198 cc
@ Gearbox: 6
@ Weight: 234 kg
@ Fuel tank capacity: 17 liters
@ Price: $ 35880

2. Ducati Monster 1200S


@: Testastretta 11 ° L-Twin, 4 Desmodromically actuated valves per cylinder, liquid cooled
@ Size: 1198 cc
@ Gearbox: 6
@ Weight: 209 kg
@ Fuel tank capacity: 17.5 liters
@ Price: $ 32388

3. Ducati 899 Panigale


@: Superquadro: L-twin cylinder, 4 valve per cylinder, Desmodromic, liquid cooled
@ Size: 898 cc
@ Gearbox: 6
@ Weight: 193 kg
@ Fuel tank capacity: 17 liters
@ Price: $ 25188

Read: Audi Q7 series 016 worth 14 thousand dollars selling petrol import competition

Read: big motorcycle brands in Motor Expo 2015 Exhibition

Text: eighty Phan

Leaked Samsung Galaxy A9 screen shapes different from the rumors Aramaic

7:06 PM Add Comment

Until recently, still have heard some rumors about the Samsung Galaxy A9 that has a 5.5-inch screen. But not like this, but the shape of the Samsung Galaxy A9 is shown on the website Phonearena recent big screen .

Not only aware of the external appearance, but this popular technology website also show detailed properties of the Galaxy A9 phone and Samsung Galaxy A9 will be launched in the Chinese market first later this month or in in January 2016.

Screen size

6 inches

Screen type






Front camera


Chip panel

octa-core Snapdragon 620 processor



Storage space


(Foreign Affairs)

$ 450

Operating System

Android 6.0 Marshmallow

Safety functions

Fingerprint scanner





Click to read: leaked Galaxy S7 S6 similar shape but no MicroSD Card function

Source: phonearena

SB-1 Defiant helicopters and V280 Valor will replace Black Hawk and Apache soon

9:15 AM Add Comment
SB-1 Defiant helicopters and V280 Valor will replace Black Hawk and Apache soon dailymail

Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters for military combat in the battlefield could be completed soon will be replaced by SB-1 Defiant helicopter Equipped with high-tech is called Supercopter. The helicopter for another infantry combat support group called the Boeing AH-64E Apache can also be replaced by fighter helicopters V280 Valor soon .

Two companies that are competing for the production of both a helicopter company Sikorsky-Boeing stewards military helicopter carrying replacement for SB-1 Defiant Black Hawk and Bell Helicopter-Lockheed Martin Steward produce heavy helicopters Apache V280 Valor instead of the two companies intend to test fly in 2017 front.

Author: Translation: Chi Sun

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and S6 edge + is very popular in Cambodia

9:10 AM Add Comment

After a presence in the country has only a short-term top two smartphone of Samsung is attracting fascinated by smartphone users servants work offices and youth groups.

According to his words flowing long bumper sales manager of the Apsara Phone Shop, the big phone shops in Phnom Penh know that the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 get very popular amongst company employees and civil servants because of the S Pen and a good easy-to-use software. While the phone Samsung Galaxy S6 edge + more popular by young people who like school. Inflation more than 50% of people put a cell phone store was very popular for both Mugabe hours.

Similarly, also in Hakse phone stores, most customers prefer to use the phone Samsung Galaxy Note and Samsung Galaxy 5 S6 edge + due to program easy to download and easy to use. Sales staff people, said company employees and civil servants prefer to use the Galaxy Note 5 greatest.

Recently a research firm GfK has issued a report that mobile phone Samsung Galaxy Note and Galaxy S6 edge + 5 with a market share of approximately 55% of the smartphone smartphone in the country. This study focused on the 8 provinces in the country.

It should be noted also that in September this Galaxy S6 Edge Plus Note 5 was voted by Internet users that the phone Compared with most popular phones for Apple.

Galaxy S6 Edge Plus get the votes to 624 votes, while the iPhone 6s get the support of only 482 votes. Whereas another special election gets the most is that the Galaxy Note 5 election by 618 votes while electoral iPhone 6s Plus get only 486 votes. Immediately, fans of Samsung posted a video to celebrate the success of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus and Galaxy Note 5 in Youtube and Facebook.

About Samsung Electronics co., Ltd
Is the world's leading companies in technology, provide new possibilities for everyone everywhere. Through constant innovation and discovery, we are moving to better the world of television flagship desktop personal computers, cameras, home appliances, printers, medical devices Using electrical system and LED system. We have 307,000 employees across 84 countries, with annual sales of 196 billion US dollars.

For more information, please visit www.samsung.com and global.samsungtomorrow.com

The lens of the Google phone Lék broke spontaneously

9:08 AM Add Comment
Glass of Google Lék broke spontaneously android4e.com

A strange problem that has happened to some of the latest smartphone of Google Mobile Nexus 6P least two experienced and camera lens on the device of their shattered spontaneously.

This is not a fall or drop, but it's obvious even if the device is not in use. According to the user's words, said his phone was on the table beside him France, he heard the tone of glass valves.

Nexus 6P as part of a new smartphone, Google's two, along with Nexus 5X. 6P is manufactured by Huawei and was officially released around the world beginning in late September.

In the event that occurred simultaneous users, said that sales representatives have confirmed the damage is not under warranty.

This is a picture of the camera lens, which the company has assumed:

This is the mirror image of camera users receive:

Author: Updated: sacred intellect

Samsung lifesaving Paris bomb

9:06 AM Add Comment
Samsung phone, a man saved the life of Paris bombings Businessinsider

13th Friday evening in Paris were horrible bombings, including the shooting robberies across the city, which caused people dead and injured at least 120 people.

Stade de France, which is a football stadium France's squad to play for Germany, was attacked by a suicide bomber. A man who walked through the stadium, said that Samsung's phone he had saved his life when a bomb exploded nearby, everything will be demolished a lot of stuff out while he was talking on the phone next to your head, which help protect the head with shrapnel if it were not so, his head was danger that can cause sudden death.

Here are some photos of his phone is:

Author: Updated: sacred intellect

Laos launches its own satellites Lao Sat-1, first into the air

8:03 AM Add Comment
Recently, the Lao People's Democratic Republic to launch its own satellite, called Lao Sat-1 Space, which has a technical collaboration with some companies of China.

Hiem Phommachanh Minister of Posts and Telecommunications of Laos, said Lao Sat-1 has an important role in making telecommunications sector and the economy of Laos has grown rapidly.

The satellite project is a joint venture between the four parties, the Lao government and the Chinese company's other three. Satellite after this process, it will help reduce the price of the Internet and mobile phones in the country.

In 1975, in Laos can say that no one thought to the growth of communications technology, anything When the last few years, the momentum of the system's communications technology, Laos has risen to this level own satellites for them.


Also highlighted that currently there are more than 1,000 units are satellite in space by the United States has 502 vehicles, Russia 118 units, 116 units and more than 50 other countries and the ASEAN member countries also have Custom satellite except Cambodia and Myanmar.

 Click to read: some point Highlander car that you might not know

Source: Asianews

Lamborghini Urus SUV car speed and also has a hybrid system

12:54 AM Add Comment
Lamborghini sports car maker had announced in late May that the vehicle will start production the first SUV to compete with Rolls-Royce. And new leadership, the company has announced that its first SUV will have the most speed.

On the occasion inaugurated Cars Series Lamborghini Huracan LP580-2 2016 in Qatar Lamborghini CEO, Stephan Winkelmann, said: " Our SUV will be the first Lamborghini vehicle-8 engine (V-8), and it would be that SUV fast. This is an important point. "

Stephan added that in terms of speed increasing momentum and the other point is, it must be excellent perfect because it's a Lamborghini car. The executives said the Lamborghini Urus will also be the company's first car with a second engine At this point he wants refers to a hybrid system.

In the past the Italian sports car maker had said that the Urus will start production In 2018, with some sold on the market for more than 22 thousand dollars.

Click to read: Prius-shaped 016 series flaunts a new commercial video really Amos

Updated: Hay Sok Heng
Source: CarandDriver

No. 2 in Southeast Asia has the most Internet users

8:17 AM Add Comment
Phnom Penh: A senior official of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has claimed that the country has more Internet users than the second in Asia Southeast 6.2 million after Singapore by most mobile phone users more than.

Data in the country until 9 months of 2015 has been observed that the SIM card on the mobile phone system More than 21 million SIM Mobile 150 percent to 155 percent, and on the Internet in the country 6,200,000 users. Most of those who use the Internet mobile users almost 98 percent compared to fixed broadband is around 2 percent .

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the workshop ITU- ASEAN on regional telecommunications services online OTT business trends and policy provisions morning 08 December 2015 Hotel Julie HE Kan said Monday mercy when telecommunications law soon the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to do to ensure the motivation to protect investors telecommunications infrastructure to service all region so that users consider to connect anywhere remote areas can also have a phone connection service a minimum.

His Excellency stressed that the law on telecommunications, which is due out this upcoming government thinking and defend your interests is the quality of all services, including voice services, Internet services. In 2020 the population throughout the country wherever towns and remote areas will receive service and phone service Internet use everyone.

Modi behavior head of the Ministry of Posts Telecommunications Regulator, said that the country currently serving some phone services 8 companies, phone companies have the largest scale 3. The number 30 is the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications canceled in the list of Internet investment firm.

Another new insurance company MGA Asia de noises in Cambodia

7:50 AM Add Comment
Phnom Penh: MGA Asia as a new insurance brokerage firms in the country, launched its company opened on 28 August 2014 at the Raffles Holtal le Royal Hotel after receiving a license from the Ministry of Economy and Finance Meteorology.

Meas Sophat said Chairman of the Board of the company MGA MGA Asia with focus and attention on the business activities of the company as a whole. MGA has a vision on how to participate in social activities. This is the first step before the official opening of the company which has contributed Social Work will continue with a series of social unity in the future.

He added that the insurance sector in the country has grown only with an increased factory utilization plans from insurance companies and international organizations to prevent health risks such as the risk of an individual vehicle fires and many other projects. It really is important and necessary that the customer must have the specialist expertise and experience for the provision of management consulting and general coordination in the preparation of the project, including insurance claim when the risk occurs.

Mey Vann, director general of industry financial Meteorology of the Ministry of Economy and Finance Meteorology also mentioned that "of the Rectangular Strategy Phase 3 of the government and the strategic development of financial year 2011-2020, which considers the insurance sector as a key area for policy environment institutional data financial (Financial inclusion) of the government, which provides the possibility for people able to use a broad mix of services, financial with value and price competitiveness, in which there is insurance for the protection of financial Meteorology citizens to the risks that have happened to them.

He also showed an encouraging companies GMA as brokerage, insurance, who represented the clients in choosing insurance products appropriate and affordable prices and communicating with insurance companies generally to sell the product and service providers in this sector professional provides confidence to customers as well as providing confidence in the insurance sector as well.

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Curved simple way to make your Galaxy S6 edge + easy to use and attractive

7:36 AM Add Comment
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 10:48 pm

Bigger screen entertainment Galaxy S6 edge + offers easier to use, and use popular applications more quickly.

To demonstrate the use of the new functionality more easily and are confident this is the key to using some edge easier. First you need to go to the edge screen menu via the setting first.

People Edge: For additional contacts close
Nothing is more important than the person next to you, and the People Edge can make you more closely with them, you can add the names of people close at the edge of the curved screen of the Galaxy S6 edge + 5 and used easily with the distribution of colors separately.

To simplify the access to a list of contacts, you can improve curved edge with a different color when there is a new jump Notification. Moreover, the People Edge also lets you communicate with your friends using emoticons, pokes pictures and messages written by hand.

How to use:

My people function
Add contact and select the contact you want to add from your contact list
To put color on each tap on the contact list next to the contact's name, then choose your favorite color
People Edge menu selection OnCircle and enable it to connect to your friends using emoticons, pokes pictures and handwritten messages.
You can communicate with people just close to the edge and then tap on the phone contacts
Another way you can add contacts directly from the screen without use veasadai edge and then click the plus sign (+), then select the contacts you want to add.
Apps Edge: Allows you to access the applications that users often more quickly
Everyone has programs that they use often. Maybe you prefer to use social networks, or maybe you can not live without music in radio. You go to that program at the edge of the screen at any time, and you can also add applications directly at the edge of the screen.

How to use:

Recruitment program
Choose to add
You can log in to the app that you like, just veasadai on the edge of the phone, and tap on the application that you want to open.
On the other hand, you can add programs directly from the edge by just veasadai then click the plus sign (+) and the chosen program.
Edge Lighting: light at the edge
Despite the muted alarm Galaxy S6 edge +, you can know that you call or notifications. However, when you face the screen, you can see the light from the edge of the phone. If you open the People Edge, it will jump respond to color settings of My people.

Moreover, you may Makes automatic response when a call without having to say, without the need to back up or press the phone.

How to use:

Simply Tap on Quick reply to override the caller phone by sending a message to tell you. Put your finger on the heart rate sensor for 2 seconds when the phone face down
Already defined messages that are responding.
Information Stream: manage the information you are interested, you can set the information to be displayed on the Galaxy S6 edge +, especially the information that interests you on the edge of the screen when the phone is turned off or face down. You may be interested in other information, such as entertainment news soccer results or the stock market. If you're curious to hear this information, you can always put it jumps up as you want.

How to use:

Please select Manage feeds
Please select the updates you want to see the list or new download
Tap on the Recorder sets a new show that you want
Click to download the desired structural information
Return Information stream menu and choose Edge screen to choose where you want to display information
At menu display Weather information to change or edit the show about the weather forecast
Information to your fingertips at the edge of the screen and it's fingers back when the phone screen is off. To read the other information you can finger down or up on the edge of the screen.
Night Clock: easy access anytime and watch
You can use the mobile phone as a watch or an alarm clock to wake you from sleep. But you may not like the look of the screen blinding flash of light at night. Night clock on the Galaxy S6 edge + can make a clock on the screen edge light lightweight large screen when the phone off or overturn.

How to use:

Set start and end time that you want the Night clock displayed on the screen of your phone (you can put the longest Night clock 12 hours)

Left? Right? Thom? Small fingers? It's no problem, as you've put on the edge of the screen to the left or right to provide easy to use. You can set the Edge handle in the location you want to simplify the use of edge screen.

How to use:

To change the location of the edge of the phone, you tap on the arrow and then download it to your desired location screen edge
tap on the Show Edge screen to select which screen you want it to display (display screen and lock screen)
On the Edge screen menu, select the location where you want to display Edge screen whether on the right or the left.

About Samsung Electronics co., Ltd
Is the world's leading companies in technology, provide new possibilities for everyone everywhere. Through constant innovation and discovery, we are moving to better the world of television flagship desktop personal computers, cameras, home appliances, printers, medical devices Using electrical system and LED system. We have 307,000 employees across 84 countries, with annual sales of 196 billion US dollars.

New techniques simple but effective help your iPhone has a faster processor

7:32 AM Add Comment
Tuesday, December 08, 2015 15:54 pm

Foreign: Normally you use the phone handset iPhone may ever encounter some problems, especially when you have a slow time that this is a point that seems tired and weary. One expert recently brought up the new techniques simple but it is effective in helping to quickly access your iPhone again.

According to sources, the new techniques were introduced by an expert named Marc Forrest is a simple way that can be used without concern. The process is that initially you have to open the lock of your phone first then Home Screen will appear on the screen later, you have to press the button, Power (available in the top right of the phone) and hold until it jumped out the words "Slide to Power off" means (the slider to turn off the phone).

Then you can Thu lengdai Power button, and you only need to click the Home Screen button again within 5 seconds and then release, then your phone will be able to process faster.

Marc Forrest said, "The new techniques can make your cell phone in the RAM process easier and better because it wiped out the memory, which is running as a factor makes your phone lately."

Marc continued, "Some people have asked me what to do one way this benefit, and according to my opinion, one way is to void the RAM unused on the phone, he means that it has entered into a shutdown of the programs that are run by the vanity on your cell phone. On the other hand, I've been tested and that these new techniques are good. "

Let's remember, for those who are having trouble related to iPhone slow, can try a simple way.

LiDAR technology that archaeologists exploring mysterious Angkor Wat process?

7:33 PM Add Comment
DailyMail British newspaper published yesterday that archaeologists discovered the mysterious ancient structures buried in the ground Wat temple complex by using a special technology LiDAR.

LiDAR technology or 3D laser scanning was established during the 1960s for users to find plane submarines in the sea. This technology is otherwise Airborne LiDAR System and Ground-based LiDAR.

Airborne LiDAR system is a process that shoot laser light onto the glass and the light on down to the surface of the ground, from the air, most used light aircraft or a helicopter to shoot. Laser light scanning from side to side while the aircraft flew over the area where they work exploration that it can capture the range of 20,000 to 150,000 points per second.

When the laser light shot anything, it will affect the back glass. A laser shot out of the plane and when it is reflected back is recorded compounded combined with other data to create a three-dimensional terrain, including the format of the terrain. Using Airborne LiDAR system they can wipe out the buildings and other objects on the terrain to be able to see Geological characteristics of the soil at the bottom.


Ground-based LiDAR systems, similar to the Airborne LiDAR, but it makes up most of the ground surface by LiDAR has been installed on a pedestal and LiDAR sensor, turn 360 degrees. Laser light shot out of the Ground-based LiDAR systems will come back from the front surface of the plant buildings lighthouse Car trees, including humans. The light reflected back is recorded, and the distance between the sensor and the object light shot has already been calculated. Data collected can create a three-dimensional area of ​​study.


Usually two LiDAR system on the use of tools such as laser specialized device receives GPS signals IMU (inertial measurement unit), but for the Ground-based systems do not use tools IMU. Airborne systems generally use planes or helicopters to collect data on the wide area.

Major motorcycle brands in Motor Expo 2015 Exhibition

7:31 PM Add Comment

Many major motorcycle companies around the world unveiled its modern motorcycle products widely publicized at the International Automobile Exhibition 32nd Motor Expo 2015 in Thailand.

32nd Auto Show Thailand 2015 33 luxury car brands from 11 countries and 15 major motorcycle brands from 8 car model (Prototype) 4 units and 10 new mechanic introduced visitors Motor Expo 2015 exhibition.

Google's new generation of computer speed than 100 million overall PC

7:31 PM Add Comment

Google announced the ability of its new-generation computer, the achievement of collaboration with NASA .

Google said the new generation of computers they called D-Wave 2X which had the capacity to do the calculations faster computers generally up to 100 million times. D-Wave 2X is capable of much, because it used form of quantum bits, or qubits, which can transmit binary data type 2, 1, 0, or both at the same time the general computer binary data transmission, 2, 1 or 0.

Project in the production of modern computers other than Google and NASA, IBM and Microsoft are also present in the project and They expect that the D-Wave 2X will be available in real time in the next 10 years.

Pete Warden has produced a program for the Apple products

9:47 AM Add Comment
Pete Warden has produced a program for Apple's products, and can provide information on the Act by releasing confidential red, orange and white logo purple on the map on a computer screen or phone.

This program allows government to use police and government officials are functional only.

It is easy to locate the phone at any time, whether the phone is used in any day, anywhere.

Boeing landing on the water first

9:45 AM Add Comment
Boeing 757 passenger plane landing Loftleidir Icelandic name on Union Glacier ice fields safely yesterday, they know that this is the first time that has landed This dream aircraft on such a cold.

Tourism agency Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (ALE) in the US, fans and landing long years of experience working with NAS Corporation Limited to work together to study the landing More than 7 months.

This landing is more than 500 tourists visited Antarctica antibiotics gradually in small groups, they can visit the high mountain glaciers Mount Vinson, South Pole Pencil and livestock Queensland.

LG G5 with more modern technology with eye scans

4:19 AM Add Comment

Some information suggests that LG may be released LG phone models G5 its next February. They also said that with the new model LG has added a number of technology as well as the size of the camera and scanning technology Safety eyeball.

According to sources from Taiwan, said LG G5 chip can Snapdragon 820, 5.6-inch QHD resolution, 8 megapixel front MP, rear 21MP, fingerprint scanning functionality and iris scanning function safely. LG G5 can not have any source confirmed yet.

It should be noted that apart from the LG phone G5, which is expected to be released in February 2016 telephone Samsung's Galaxy S7 The same is expected to appear in February as it could become competitive big between the two Koreas.

May be surprised to know these facts about 5 Android

4:16 AM Add Comment

Android, which is playing on your phone these days there are a lot of stories about it that some people probably did not know. Below are five of Android and can be surprising:

1. Android 3.0 does not walk on the telephone:

Android now can walk on watch television, mobile phones and cars, but Android 3.0 will not see you on the telephone . Android 3.0 Honeycomb designed for tablets such as Sony Tablet P, HTC Jetstream and the ASUS Eee pad.

2. Android 1.0 has a different name:


Android every generation all are named after the name of the dessert except Android 1.0, which has a name different from their "Alpha" or "Astro Boy".

3. Android is a man:


Many dictionary definitions Android robot that looks like a person, and is also more men.

4. Not designed for Android smartphones:


In 2013, Android creator Andy Rubin told the audience in Tokyo that Android is not currently set up For smartphone. Instead, it was created for the camera smart idea at the time, they want to connect between the camera and a computer to upload photos into Android Datacenter. Because the camera market has softened recently Rubin decided to shift to a smartphone.

5. Android works in space:


In 2013, NASA satellite satellite PhoneSats cheap and it's powered by Android. PhoneSats satellite phone manufactured by HTC Nexus Ones and two Samsung Nexus S units by spending only $ 3,500 to produce A satellite.

Dropbox announced Mailbox process and Carousel

4:12 AM Add Comment
Dropbox has announced that they are preparing to stop the Mailbox and its Carousel in the near term.

Keep data services provider, said they strongly offered hope to the Mailbox, which they bought in 2013 and the Carousel, which they bought in 2014. Less successful with these two programs Dropbox decided to stop the Mailbox on 26 February 2016 and the program Carousel on 31 March 2016.

Carousel really do not have anything to stop the program by Dropbox and all data contained Carousel stored on Dropbox storage facility only once. But to lose Mailbox and more complicated because Mailbox ever new technologies for managing email and Technology Google and Microsoft copied.