Find out the meaning of the sign in the back of the phone shell

10:47 AM
Phone users probably do not know what strange signs such as trash or signs rear tires their phones have the kind of meaning. Some may not be interested in their phone signals do not know.

The following explains the meaning of each sign with a number on the phone:

- The exclamation mark with a circle around it: telephone service in different countries use different frequency signal and this means that the phone can process the signal, which is not legal for the country in the EU Some European.

- CE: CE acronym stands for Conformité Européenne, and they use it to prove that the product level safety standards of electrical and electronic magnetic field of the European Union. The product must have a label that can only be sold in the European Union.

-FCC: If the phone has a signal, this means that it received confirmation from the Federal Communications Commission administrative agencies already on the ground. The agent you control all communication systems (TV, radio, cable, etc.) throughout the United States.

Ul: UL stands for Underwriters Laboratories unit to test the level of security of electronic products. This product means that unit UL recognition.

- A circle with signs: being called Ctick signal, which is used by Authorities Australian Communications Media Authority (ACMA) to confirm that the product will be standard magnetic and electronic parts can be sold in Australia .

- Trash cross: a signal used by Waste Eletrical and Electronic Equipment electronic waste handling units of the European Union representing that this product should not be thrown in the trash, but should be taken to re-processing.

- NYCE: this usually come with NOM, which means that the product is specified Normalización y Certificación Electrónica you to control the level of security of electronic products in Mexico.

This signal is used in Japan to prove that the product will be standard electronic magnetism.

- Four figures: In general, the number near the CE mark, which represents the shell, which has been tested and has already confirmed by experts and CE standards. 0682 was marked on Cetecom ICT Services assessment CE phone shells.

The telephone number above to see some signs on the battery life of the phone, it has the same meaning corresponding to the signal on the phone shell.


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Updated: Hay Sok Heng
Source: CNET

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